Doc. Ing. Petr Praus, CSc.

Born: May 19, 1960, Rychnov nad Kněžnou
  • Affiliation: Fyzikální ústav UK, Ke Karlovu 5
  • Room: F 187, 1st basement
  • Phone: +420 221 911 474
  • Fax: +420 224 922 797

Fields of interest and research experience:

  • Methods of Raman spectroscopy and time-resolved microspectrofluorimetry
  • Statistical properties of the signal and data processing in optical spectroscopy of biomolecules and a development of special detection techniques in this field
  • Phase–resolved microspectrofluorimetry by using a high frequency modulation of the optical detector gain
  • Multichannel optical detection systems
  • Computer hardware and electronics for control of the experimental setup in optical spectroscopy and control systems of the technological processes.
  • Optical pyrometry
  • High frequency electronics (digital synthesizers, amplifiers and high frequency modulation of the image intensifiers gain)

Long term stays:

1995 1 month stay in Institut Curie , Paris, France.
1996‐97 1 year postdoctoral stay at Laboratoire de Physicochimie Biomoleculaire et Cellulaire, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) , France.