RNDr. Jana Zachová, CSc.
external co-worker
Born: July 26, 1939, Praha
E-mail: janazachova@seznam.cz
- Affiliation: Fyzikální ústav UK, Ke Karlovu 5
- Room: F 182, 1st basement
- Phone: +420 221 911 346
- Fax: +420 224 922 797
Fields of interest and research experience:
- Growing of single crystals of NA components that have served as a model in the studies of electronic and vibration states of NA bases and their intermolecular interactions: H-bonds, stacking and interaction with metals by means of optical measurements particularly Raman spectroscopy. Therefore growing technology of large (>> 1mm), optically homogeneous single crystals with perfect planes was necessary to develop.
- Kinetics of growing crystals from solution. High speed growing. Determination of phase diagrams (three components).
- Crystallization of phosphonate analogs of dinucleosides monophosphates, perspective chemoterapeutics for the purpose of X-ray structure analysis and Raman spectroscopy.
- Present trends and topics of biochemistry, molecular biology and dietology also from the point of view of biochemistry teaching. Chemotherapy.
Long term stays:
1975 | Leningrad State University, Prof. V.A. Frank-Kameneckij, (3 months) |
1981‐1990 | Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Dr. Belyaev, Dr. L. Malinina (several 1 month stayes) |
1993 | UPR De Biologie Structurale CNRS, Strasbourg, Dr.D. Moras |
1993 | Dip. Di Biochimica, Universita di Bologna, prof. A. Bertoluzza (1 month) |
Curiculum vitae:
1961 | graduated from the Charles University, Faculty of Natural Sciences in organic chemistry |
1970 | RNDr. (M.S. equiv.) in the same place on a organic synthesis of a new gestagen |
1977 | CSc. (PhD equiv.) “Growth and Investigation of Single Crystals of Salts of Nucleic Acid Bases”, Technical University, Prague, prof. J. Kaspar |
1961‐1967 | Institute for Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Prague, synthesis of steriod drugs (estrogenic part of cs. antibaby pills) |
1967‐1970 | Research Institute of Fats Industry, Department for Cosmetics, Prague, medical cosmetics |
1970 | Institute of Physics, Charles University, growth of single crystals of NA components and teaching activities for biophysics students (core lecture courses and practical courses on bioorganic chemistry and biochemistry) and superviser of diploma and prediploma thesis and two PhD students. |
1977 | Research fellow |
1994 | Senior research fellow |