doc. Ing. Eduard Belas, CSc.
Head of Division of Optoelectronics and Magneto-optics
- Affiliation: Fyzikální ústav UK, Ke Karlovu 5
- Room: F241, 2nd floor
- Phone: +420 221 911 334
- Fax: +420 224 922 797
Fields of interest and research experience:
Research activity:
- Infrared, X-ray and gamma-ray detectors
- Semiconductor crystal growth (II-VI compounds, perovskites)
- High and low temperature transport measurements (ToF L-TCT, PhotoHall effect, photoconductivity)
- Defect structure investigation (annealing, diffusion experiments)
- Dry etching, p-to-n conversion caused by dry etching
- EBIC measurements
Publication activity: more then 140 publications with IF, more than 1100 citations without self citations, H-index: 22 (WOS).
Curiculum vitae:
Personal data: Born 1963 in Prague, Czech Republic
- 1988 Dipl. Ing. (equal to Master degree) Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering
- 1994 CSc. (equal to PhD.) (Physics of Condense Matter and Acustics) Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- 2011 Assoc. Prof. (Quantum optics and Optoelectronics) Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Job history:
- 1988–2008 Charles University, Institute of Physics
- 1988–1994 Assistant (PhD study)
- 1994–1998 Research Fellows Responsible for development of a special technique for preparation of n–(HgCd)Te (x\~0.2) and fabrication of the SPRITE detectors.
- 1998–2011 Senior Research Fellows
- 2011– Responsible for development of a technology for preparation of gamma-ray detectors based on CdTe/ (CdZn)Te single crystals.