Year 2024:


Y. Talochka, S. Nargelas, Ž. Podlipskas, M. Kučera, Z. Lučeničová, G. Tamulaitis, "Acceleration of emission decay in Ce-doped Gd-containing garnets by aliovalent codoping due to blocking excitation transfer via gadolinium subsystem", Radiation Physics and Chemistry 218 (2024) 111589 (5 pages).


M. Gaerner, R. Silber, T. Peters, J. Hamrle, T. Kuschel, "Cubic magneto-optic Kerr effect in Ni(111) thin films with and without twinning", Physical Review Applied 22 (2024) 024066 (9 pages).


A.V. Bulgakov, J. Sladek, J. Hrabovský, I. Mirza, W. Marine, N.M. Bulgakova, "Dual-wavelength femtosecond laser-induced single-shot damage and ablation of silicon", Applied Surface Science 643 (2024) 158626 (15 pages).


I. Mohelský, J. Wyzula, F. Le Mardelé, F. Abadizaman, O. Caha, A. Dubroka, X. Sun, C.W. Cho, B.A. Piot, M.F. Tanzim, I. Aguilera, G. Bauer, G. Springholz, M. Orlita, "Electronic band structure of Sb2Te3", Physical Review B 109 (2024) 165205 (11 pages).


D. Valli, Z. Heng, M. Betušiak, G. Romolini, A. Meulemans, D. Escuredo, S. Seth, Q. Zhao, Z. Zhu, M. Bonn, E. Belas, R. Grill, H. Wang, J. Hofkens, E. Debroye, "Enhancing the X‐ray Sensitivity of Cs2AgBiBr6 Double Perovskite Single Crystals through Cation Engineering", Applied Optical Materials 2 (2024) 2075-2084.


J. Kunc, T. Fridrišek, M. Shestopalov, J. Jo, K. Park, "Graphene–insulator–metal diodes: Enhanced dielectric strength of the Al2O3 barrier", AIP Advances 14 (2024) 095207 (9 pages).


A. Shamardin, S. Cichon, M. Rameš, E. de Prado, L. Volfová, T. Kmjec, L. Fekete, J. Kopeček, P. Kos, L. Nowak, J. Heicl, J. Zázvorka, J. Hamrle, M. Veis, O. Heczko, J. Lancok, "Growth and properties of full Heusler Co2 TiSn epitaxial thin films", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1002 (2024) 175296 (12 pages).


M. Rejhon, V. Dědič, M. Shestopalov, J. Kunc, E. Riedo, "Impact of metastable graphene-diamond coatings on the fracture toughness of silicon carbide", Nanoscale 16 (2024) 10590-10596.


D. Jana, D. Vaclavkova, I. Mohelský, P. Kapusicinski, C.W. Cho, I. Breslavetz, M. Białek, J. Ansermet, B.A. Piot, M. Orlita, C. Faugeras, M. Potemski, "Magnon gap excitations in van der Waals antiferromagnet MnPSe3", Scientific reports 14 (2024) 17502 pages).


A. Singh, H. Němec, J. Kunc, P. Kužel, "Nanoscale terahertz conductivity and ultrafast dynamics of terahertz plasmons in periodic arrays of epitaxial graphene nanoribbons", Physical Review Research 6 (2024) 033063 (13 pages).


J. Hrabovský, L. Strizik, F. Desevedavy, S. Tazlaru, M. Kučera, L. Nowak, R. Krystufek, J. Mistrik, V. Dědič, V. Kopecký, G. Gadret, T. Wagner, F. Smektala, M. Veis, "Optical, magneto-optical properties and fiber-drawing ability of tellurite glasses in the TeO2-ZnO-BaO ternary system", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 624 (2024) 122712 (9 pages).


K. Kim, J. Franc, A.E. Bolotnikov, R.B. James, "Photoluminescence of CdTe and CdZnTe compounds doped with 2% selenium", Journal of Crystal growth 626 (2024) 127478 (5 pages).


R.M. Khan, M. Rejhon, Y. Li, N. Parashar, E. Riedo, R.R. Wixom, F.W. DelRio, R. Dingerville, "Probing the Mechanical Properties of 2D Materials via Atomic-Force-Microscopy-Based Modulated Nanoindentation", Small methods 8 (2024) 2301043 (10 pages).


J. Hrabovský, N.S. Tagiara, J. Mistrik, L. Strizik, P. Rysanek, V. Kopecký, J. Kozlik, J. Orava, S. Wang, T. Ishibashi, E.I. Kamitsos, M. Veis, "Pure TeO 2 glass: Influence of synthesis conditions on linear and non-linear optical, magneto-optical and structural properties", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 997 (2024) 174788 (10 pages).


J. Hrabovský, M. Kučera, L. Palousova, J. Zázvorka, J. Kubát, L. Bi, M. Veis, "Rapid and precise large area mapping of rare-earth doping homogeneity in luminescent materials", Communicaation materials 5 (2024) 251 (9 pages).


J. Redondo, M. Reticcioli, V. Gabriel, D. Wrana, F. Ellinger, M. Riva, G. Franceschi, E. Rheinfrank, I. Sokolović, Z. Jakub, F. Kraushofer, A. Alexander, E. Belas, L.L. Patera, J. Repp, M. Schmid, A. Diebold, G.S. Parkinson, C. Franchini, P. Kocan, M. Setvin, "Real-space investigation of polarons in hematite Fe2O3", Science Advances 10 (2024) 7833 (8 pages).


W. Chewpraditkul, K. Wantong, W. Chewparditkul, O. Sakthong, R. Kucerkova, A. Beitlerova, M. Nikl, D. Strachotova, M. Kučera, "Temperature dependence of photoluminescence kinetics and scintillation properties of LuY2(Al5-xScx)O12:Ce (x = 1, 1.5, 2) garnet single-crystalline films", Optical Materials 152 (2024) 115506 (8 pages).


J. Hrabovský, R. Svoboda, B. Frumarova, L. Benes, S. Slang, V. Dědič, "TeO2 –BaO–Bi2O3 tellurite optical glasses I. - Glass formation, structural, thermal and optical properties", Optical Materials 157 (2024) 116331 (7 pages).


F. Le Mardelé, A. El Mendili, M.E. Zhitomirsky, I. Mohelský, D. Jana, I. Plutnarova, Z. Sofer, C. Faugeras, M. Potemski, M. Orlita, "Transverse and longitudinal magnons in the strongly anisotropic antiferromagnet FePSe3", Physical Review B 109 (2024) 134410 (9 pages).


F. Le Mardelé, I. Mohelský, D. Jana, A. Pawbake, J. Dzian, W. Lee, K. Raju, R. Sankar, C. Faugeras, M. Potemski, M.E. Zhitomirsky, M. Orlita, "Tuning terahertz magnons in a mixed van der Waals antiferromagnet", Physical Review B 110 (2024) 174414 (6 pages).