

J. Holovský, K. Ridzoňová, A.P. Amalathas, B. Conrad, R.K. Sharma, X.Y. Chin, E. Bastola, K. Bhandari, R.J. Ellingson, S. De Wolf, "Below the Urbach Edge: Solar Cell Loss Analysis Based on Full External Quantum Efficiency Spectra", ACS Energy Letters 8 (2023) 3221-3227.


M. Buryi, V. Babin, N. Neykova, Y.M. Wang, Z. Remeš, K. Ridzoňová, F. Dominec, M. Davydova, J. Drahokoupil, S. Chertopalov, L. Landová, O. Pop-Georgievski, "Changes to Material Phase and Morphology Due to High-Level Molybdenum Doping of ZnO Nanorods: Influence on Luminescence and Defects", Materials 16 (2023) 3294 (18 pages).


J. Hrabovský, M. Buryi, V. Babin, K. Ridzoňová, K. Paurová, D. John, "Correlated EPR and optical study of charge trapping phenomena in tellurite glasses. The role of barium oxide", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 620 (2023) 122596 (8 pages).


M. Buryi, K. Ridzoňová, N. Neykova, L. Landová, F. Hájek, V. Babin, K. Děcká, R.K. Sharma, O. Pop-Georgievski, "Effect of UV Irradiation on the Growth of ZnO:Er Nanorods and Their Intrinsic Defects", Chemosensors 11 (2023) 156 (16 pages).


K. Ridzoňová, M. Buryi, V. Babin, D. John, J. Drahokoupil, N. Neykova, T. Salamakha, Y. Tratsiak, "Influence of Golden Nanoparticles on the Incorporation of Eu2+ into BaI2 and Defect Concentration", Crystals 13 (2023) 902 (10 pages).


M. Buryi, A.M. Gaston-Bellegarde, J. Pejchal, F. Levchenko, Z. Remeš, K. Ridzoňová, V. Babin, S. Chertopalov, "The Role of Er3+ Content in the Luminescence Properties of Y3Al5O12 Single Crystals: Incorporation into the Lattice and Defect State Creation", Crystals 13 (2023) 562 (14 pages).


K. Ridzoňová, R. Grill, A.P. Amalathas, B. Dzurňák, N. Neykova, L. Horák, P. Fiala, X.Y. Chin, C.M. Wolff, Q. Jeangros, J. Holovský, "Correlating light-induced deep defects and phase segregation in mixed-halide perovskites", Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10 (2022) 18928 (11 pages).


J. Holovský, E. Horynová, L. Horák, K. Ridzoňová, Z. Remeš, L. Landová, R.K. Sharma, "Pulsed laser deposition of high-transparency molybdenum oxide thin films", Vacuum 194 (2021) 110613 (7 pages).


A.P. Amalathas, L. Landová, K. Ridzoňová, L. Horák, P. Bauerová, J. Holovský, "Unveiling the Effect of Potassium Treatment on the Mesoporous TiO2/ Perovskite Interface in Perovskite Solar Cells", Applied Energy Materials 4 (2021) 11488-11495.


K. Ridzoňová, E. Belas, R. Grill, J. Pekárek, P. Praus, "Space-Charge-Limited Photocurrents and Transient Currents in ( Cd , Zn ) Te Radiation Detectors", Physical Review Applied 13 (2020) 064054 (15 pages).


A. Musiienko, P. Moravec, R. Grill, P. Praus, I. Vasylchenko, J. Pekárek, J. Tisdale, K. Ridzoňová, E. Belas, L. Landová, B. Hu, E. Lukosi, M. Ahmadi, "Deep levels, charge transport and mixed conductivity in organometallic halide perovskites", Energy Environmental Science 12 (2019) 1413-1425.


J. Zázvorka, J. Pekárek, R. Grill, E. Belas, K. Ridzoňová, J. Pipek, J. Franc, "Inhomogeneous resistivity and its effect on CdZnTe-based radiation detectors operating at high radiation fluxes", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (2019) 325109 (8 pages).