RNDr. Ivan Barvík Jr., PhD.

Born: Dec. 28, 1971, Praha
  • Affiliation: Fyzikální ústav UK, Ke Karlovu 5
  • Room: F 264, 2nd floor
  • Phone: +420 221 911 450
  • Fax: +420 224 922 797

Fields of interest and research experience:

Curiculum vitae:

2003– Assistant professor, Divison of Biomolecular Physics, Institute of Physics, Charles University
1999–02 Scientific assistant, Divison of Biomolecular Physics, Institute of Physics, Charles University
1995–02 PhD.,Theoretical Division, Institute of Physics, Charles University
\ Field: F11 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
\ PhD thesis: Computer Simulations of the Structure of Potential Chemoterapeutics and Their Conjugates with Nucleic Acids.
\ Heads of my PhD Thesis: Doc. RNDr. Jiri Bok CSc. (FÚ UK)
\ Tutor: Prof. RNDr. Josef Stepanek Csc. (FU UK)
1990–95 MSc. Field: Mathematical and Computer Modelling in Technique and Physics
\ Diploma thesis: Simulations of the Epitaxial Growth of the Crystal
\ Head of my Diploma Thesis: RNDr. Miroslav Kotrla Csc. (Institute of Physics, AS CR)