Practical Course in Physics IV for General Physics majors
Code: NOFY030
Range in winter semester: 0/3 Z
Annotation: Practicum of experimental methods of biophysics and chemical physics
Practical Course in Experimental Methods of Biophysics and Chemical Physics II
Code: NBCM103
Range in summer semester: 0/5 KZ
Annotation: Practicum of experimental methods of biophysics and chemical physics
Note: jedna úloha v praktiku
Selected Chapters on Astrophysic
Code: NAST021
Range in winter semester: 2/0 Zk
Annotation: Discussion of recent discoveries in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. Each thematic topic (3 or 4 topics in one semester) will usually be presented by an invited guest lecturer within 3-4 weeks. The program is regularly announced on WWW pages of the Astronomical Institute.
Note: 1/3 přednášky
Attachments: (© 2025 RNDr. Vladimír Kopecký Jr., PhD.) -
Introduction to Protein Structure Studies
Code: NBCM308
Range in summer semester: 2/0 Zk
Annotation: The lecture brings in students to the world of proteins and it introduces the basic techniques, theoretical and experimental, used in study of proteins. Emphasis on practical usage of these techniques in protein research will be made. The lecture is useful for students of biophysics, chemical physics, biochemistry and molecular biology.
Attachments: (© 2025 RNDr. Vladimír Kopecký Jr., PhD.) -
How to write and lecture on Science
Code: NBCM306
Range in winter semester: 2/0 Z
Annotation: Students get acquainted with searching for scientific information, scientiometry and they will acquire basic skills for publication of scientific papers, preparation of conference abstracts and lectures. The lecture is useful for students from 3th grade and doctoral students.
Attachments: (© 2025 RNDr. Vladimír Kopecký Jr., PhD.)1. Věda je, když...
10. Právo a vědecká etika
11. Financování vědy a grantový systém
12. Jemný úvod do publikování na webu
13. Popularizace vědy
2. Time a data management
3. Jemný úvod do počítačové typografie 1
4. Jemný úvod do počítačové typografie 2
5. Obrazový materiál ve vědecké práci
6. Scientometrie
7. Věda v síti
8. Psaní vědeckých článků a abstraktů
9. Jak přednášet o vědě
Code: NBCM307
Range in winter semester: 2/1 Zk
Annotation: The lecture is a basic course of a new arising scientific branch - astrobiology. It connects new findings from astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology in endeavor to discover answers to the following questions - how originate the life and how to find it in the universe. The lecture is useful for students of biophysics, astronomy and other interested persons.
Attachments: (© 2025 RNDr. Vladimír Kopecký Jr., PhD.) -
Modern methods in protein research
Code: MC250P21
Range in summer semester: 2/0 Zk
Annotation: vyučováno na PřF UK společně s Prof. K. Bezouškou, Dr. P. Manem a Dr. P. Novákem
Protein structure and computer modelling
Code: MC250S03
Range in summer semester: 0/2 Z
Note: vyučováno na PřF UK společně s Dr. R. Ettrichem a Dr. K. Houfbauerovou
Chiroptic spectroscopy
Code: NBCM156
Range in summer semester: 2/0 Zk
Annotation: Přednášky shrnují teorii a experimentální metody chiroptických spektroskopií a jejich aplikace.